Kaze no Klonoa: Moonlight Museum (WIP English translation hack V0.511) ~PowerStone05 July 4, 2018 --------------- This hack represents a partial translation of the game. Work on this hack began over three years ago but was put onto hiatus when my laptop harddrive crashed. After the files were rescued, it was put aside until earlier this year. The only things left needing translating are tiles that are compressed. I unfortunately have zero knowledge about in-game rom compression. I am releasing this WIP in the hopes that someone more experienced will be able to finish what I started. **All I ask is for those who continue work on this hack, please leave me a credit for starting work on it** Dialog translations were adapted from FinalSoraRiku's Translation Guide on GameFAQS which is available for viewing at: "https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/wonderswan/562921-kaze-no-klonoa-moonlight-museum/faqs/70136". Unfortunately because of space limitations, the translation had to be 'woolseyed' quite abit to fit. I again recommend viewing FinalSoraRiku's guide for the most accurate translation. --- What is translated: • Title Screen Hack • Title Screen Menu • Game Over Menu • All Cutscene dialog • Most of Level Select (except 'Best Time') • 'Turn Vertical' notices on vertical levels. • Staff Roll -- What still needs to be translated and hacked in (uses compressed tiles): • Save/Load/Choose Game Screen • Pause Menu • In-Level Hints • Level Select Screen - Best Time Text (The 'B' just happened to fit without compression.) ----- This hack works best with an unaltered copy of the Japanese rom. The MD5 checksum is provided here. Original ROM MD5 - '5e907dd88b3cfb2855a18fb1bf689860' IPS Patch MD5 - '77f65e71513bc09c7c39d35800722a73' Patched ROM MD5 - 'a33445feef853e11fb75f255e1460be5' ------ See the text document included with the hack for more detailed information.