Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers Version 1.4.5 22 MAY 2021 -Nikc ================================================== |Description ================================================= In the second season of Digimon, we see a brief flashback of how Ken Ichijouji became the cruel Digimon Emperor. Like several other parts of Season 2, they didn't elaborate any further on it. Fortunately, a series of games were released that gave the full story, in ways that are both confirmed and contradicted by the show itself. *Unfortunately* these games came out on the WonderSwan, which never left the islands of Japan, so English speaking fans missed out on the adventures of Ken and and the game's hero Ryo Akiyama... until now! Years in the making, this is my largest project to date. In addition to the translation itself, screen layouts and the game's code have been altered to better accommodate the longer English names. Several visual glitches from the original game have also been fixed to improve the experience. Get ready to purify evil Digimon, fuse your Digimon partners together for more power (seriously, you'll be doing that a lot), and save TWO Digital Worlds! Now you have the opportunity to ponder the question that has stumped fans for over 20 years: How does the timeline between the games, the anime, and the movie even work!? ================================================== |Changelog ================================================= v1.4.5 -> Fixes issue with some battle sprites crashing the game -> Adds method to earn Gold BITs in battle (which normally require multiplayer connections) v1.4.0 -> Translates a message about low battery (only visible on real hardware) -> Provides an additional patch to use D-1 Tamer's battle sprite for Diaboromon v1.3.5 -> Translates (and retranslates) four battle attack effects -> Fixes a line in battle that overflows due to changes in version 1.3.1 -> Edits an attack description to clarify meaning v1.3.1 -> Digimon names are no longer cut-off in battle messages! -> Translated message at the Trader Outpost, before you're allowed to trade Digimon -> Aligned and centered submenu graphics at the Trader Outpost -> Fixed an issue with missing tiles in the Trader Outpost -> Fixed an issue with a tile in House B -> Fixed a letter in the Upgrader Shop submenu -> Fixed a few inconsistencies with the attack descriptions v1.1.2 -> Translated message when you try to remove a DigiEgg with a full inventory -> Translated message when all attacks are deleted (e.g. via Diaboromon's WebWrecker attack) -> Fixed tilemap issues with Battle Menu and Tactics Submenu ("e" and "a" should look correct now) -> Fixed several types in Digimon Bios v1.1: -> Fixed over-write issue in Playstation/Wonder Wave screen. The layout's still not perfect, but it's the best I can do given the screen size limitations. v1: -> Initial Release ================================================== |Frequently Asked Questions ================================================= Q. How do I buy items at the Geckomon/Otamamon Shop? -> A. By earning Gold BITs, of course! Q. ...Okay, how do I earn Gold BITs? -> A. By battling other players using the link feature on your Wonderswan! ...since this is extremely unlikely for most people playing this, I've added code that gives you one Gold BIT per battle. I may tweak this a little in future updates. (You can also edit the value using a debugger or in a save state) -Mednafen: Open the debug tool, go to 1436C - 1436F in memory, then write your hex value in reverse order (So, if you wanted 6160 Gold BITs, you'd convert to 0x1801 then write 01 18) -Oswan: Open the save state in a hex editor, go to 143B6 - 143B9, and write your hex value in reverse order (So, if you wanted 6160 Gold BITs, you'd convert to 0x1801 then write 01 18) Q. What are those symbols that appear when I walk over tiles in the DigiCaves? -> A. That is the English version of DigiCode/Digimoji. I've included a translation guide in the patch's zip file. Q. You used the names from the Dub? WHY!? -> A. Because I am history's greatest monster. Also, the dub names are what I'm familiar with - it's how I was introduced to Digimon, so it's what came to mind when I was writing the dialogue. Q. Are you going to release a version using the original Japanese names? -> A. Probably not any time soon. My current program was built haphazardly, so making that big of a change would take a lot of effort. My plan is to create a new translation toolkit that will let me edit all the Wonderswan games more easily than I can right now, but that will take time. That said, if you *really* want a sub version of the patch sooner, I'd be happy to give you the scripts. You can fix all the names, send it back to me, and I'll import it into my (eventual) new translation program to create a second version of the patch. Q. Can you make the game in color? What about a Variable Width Font? -> A. Both of those things are way beyond my current skill-set. If I ever learn how (or if someone wants to teach me), then maybe! ================================================== |Future Updates ================================================= -> Fix any typos or unclear/untranslated text ================================================== |How to Patch ================================================= Get a copy of the "Digimon Adventure 02 - Tag Tamers (Japan)" ROM and an IPS patching program (Lunar IPS seems to be the standard). Choose a patch to use, then run the program, click 'Apply patch', and viola! Enjoy. ================================================== |Special Thanks ================================================= A lot of people have contributed to this project over the years, and I want to give credit where it's due: *Ajora Fravashi -> The original English translator of the Ryo series. I wouldn't have known these games exists without their website. I hope this patch does right by their work. *LaserMutt4 -> For making multiple title screens to replace my subpar ones! I had some issues compressing it for this release, but I'll try to get it fixed for the next one. *TheMilleniumRacer -> For recording several multiplayer scenes so I could see how they worked. Thanks! *ChibiAliens -> For making your awesome WonderSwan ASM guide: https://www.chibialiens.com/8086/ I wouldn't have been able to understand the debugger without it! *XdanielZD -> For assistance with the Name Entry tile maps on the RHDN forums *Romsstar, Spikeman, KingMike, Disch, Zoinkity, mz, up-n-atom, and Trap15 -> For all your help and advice on the forums whenever I've posted questions. I usually wasn't smart enough to apply your feedback at the time, but eventually I got it *NH579, Iredc, julayla, Zdagger67, Stories8106, stratoform, mikeprado30, storall, Masaru, and Pennywise -> For your feedback, comments, and encouragement on the RHDN forum topic. I hope you enjoy the game! *Fiona Hinman -> For proofreading my work and creating a sub version of the dialogue. Hopefully I'll be able to create that alternate patch in the near-ish future! *Connor BloodRS (@Fajitamancer) -> For finding some untranslated messages in version 1.1. - thanks! *Karn EX (@Karn_EX) -> For finding some untranslated messages in version 1.1.2. - thanks! *Rodrigo (@rodrigosieghart) -> For finding some untranslated messages and bugs in version 1.3.1. - thanks! *Stadium ARTs (@stry8993) -> For finding an untranslated hardware message in version 1.3.5. - thanks! *@BoWisneski -> For catching a patching issue with version 1.4.0 - thanks! *@Vitopinga -> For noting an issue with battle sprites in version 1.4.0 - thanks! *And You! -> For playing this translation, and for reading this far. A winner is you! ================================================== |Feedback ================================================= Questions? Suggestions? Glitches? WonderswanTranslations@gmail.com