This translation was started before the pandemic and _almost_ finished in early 2020, but development entered a deep hiatus until I finally got my motivation back in March 2022, largely inspired by the work of RayCarrot who programmed a fantastic recompressor for the game. PowerStone05 released their unfinished translation in mid-2018, and while my translation is not built on top/based on their translation, PowerStone05 personally helped me with some translation work along the way. Most of the dialog text is based on the 2014 GameFAQs translation guide by Roboyoyo (AKA FinalSoraRiku AKA KeybadeBlox) The main translators for everything else were said PowerStone05, StarryScarab, Altair and rcs709. Additional wordsmithing help was provided by Adilord, Megahog2015 and PixeliseGame. Compression spec, graphics edits and the actual ROM hacking and tools for the editing were done by yours truly, vervalkon/Raccoon Sam. Lots of additional support was provided by the fine folks of the Klonoa Mega Chat Discord. Exhaustive beta testing by PowerStone05. Special thanks to ariel_1046cc and EuropaPeixe for motivation and support. I had a lot of fun doing this translation and I hope you enjoy playing the game as much as I did hacking it. The game is a fun puzzler that delivers the challenges in bite sized bursts and rarely makes you feel you're wasting your time. - v1.0. - april 5th, 2022: initial release v1.1. - april 7th, 2022. turns out I had missed one piece of text. Added! Thanks to Dog in Da Grass. - Relevant links: Friends: Me: