Patch version 071108 (yymmdd) Readme version 071108 (yymmdd) Music Intro Pro 68k English Translation Patch by M.I.J.E.T. History ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 071108 Initial release Overview ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a translation patch for the X68000 quiz game "Music Intro Pro 68k", which was developed by Sprite. Applying the Patch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hopefully included with this document is a patch file in the IPS format. You can use any program that supports that file format to apply this translation patch to your disk image. Please be careful. Disk images are much different from ROM dumps so you must have an image that is very nearly identical to the one the patch was designed for. It is highly recommended that you visit our website to obtain a special program to apply the patch, and maybe even the correct image itself. Playing the Game ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you've patched the disk image, simply load it up in your favorite X68000 emulator or convert it to a floppy disk to use on a real X68000 system. Q & A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: This patch doesn't work! What do I do? A: First ask yourself whether you really need the patched version. The game is fully playable without it. You may miss out on some enjoyment, but due to the inherent difficulties involved with disk images, it may not be worth your time and effort to try to get it working. Still here? Go to our website for support. There should be plenty of helpful information and files to assist you. If that fails, you can contact us directly for help. Q: Is your patcher program safe? A: No. Anyone could replace it with a trojan and rewrite this readme to make it seem safe. That's one reason why I don't include it with the patch itself. It's up to you to decide which program to use to apply the patch, but unless you wrote the program yourself there's always some risk involved. Q: What is the correct rendering of the title? A: Who knows... They write it differently almost every time. Contact ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (preferred) or I cannot guarantee a timely reply; this address is sometimes not checked for weeks or months at a time, depending on recent activity levels and Internet availability. And on the web: (backup site)