Nekketsu Koukou Soccer Romanji (and partial translation) v0.8 By Ghost-Tank (on message board) a.k.a Ultra Mike a.k.a. Gokuma a.k.a. Iron Ghost For the Sharp X68000 rom Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu Soccer Hen (1990)(Sharp - SPS)(Disk 1 of 2)(Disk A).dim ROM not found in Database: No-Intro File SHA-1: 22BA06865CB57BD96BD649BFDD189101A177C39C File MD5 5C879CB9AF1B156E704E1C332CCC6F1D File SHA-1 22BA06865CB57BD96BD649BFDD189101A177C39C File CRC32 21289755 WinX68kHighSpeed_eng is a good emulator, though sometimes confusing. The game looks best in auto-stretch display mode. Other display modes unevenly and disproportunately stretch it wider. Different screens of the game are actually different resolutions. Just select the translated disk 1 for FDD0 and the regular disk 2 for FDD1 F2, F3, F4, F5 on the title screen and sometimes elsewhere for additional options. Music can be changed anywhere. F2 = Game Modde config F3 = Load/save F4 = Background Music select F5 = button config F7 = start This version has no password feature and I can't figure out how saving and loading works. I translated the saving and loading options but I can only access them from the title screen and haven't found anywhere else during the game. Sometimes it says Save and Load ok (Untranslated it literally said shimashita meaning did, that it's done) and other times you get a black screen with flashing error message in gfx I couldn't find in the rom. Fortunately we have save states with emulation. This rom hack is purely graphical but almost every different type of screen has its own font and sometimes only the characters needed. So not as much is translated as my FC version hack but some stuff turned out nicer and this is a better version of the game with all teams normally selectable in vs without having to hack save states. Unfortunately the largest Kanji used for Team select and Match Intro screens couldn't be found and is probably stored in some compressed way. Same with the fonts used for Halftime. Kanji is replaced for team names on position setup and score screens. Player names look better than Famicom since there were separate characters for stuff such as Ge and Ji without having use Ke" and Shi". Dialog still uses Famicom style gfx where you see my Romanji with the " modifier. so for that observe the normal rules of Japanese writing. Adding " changes K to G, S to Z except Shi becomes Ji, T to D except Chi becomes Ji and Tsu becomes Zu, H or F to B. Adding º to H or F = P I left small versions of tsu as Hiragana and Katagana. In Hiragana it looks kinda like a backwards c or U rotated onto its left side. In Katakana it looks kinda like a slanted smiley "/ Small tsu is silent and doubles next consonant. Except at the end of a word, small tsu means a sudden cut-off in speech called a glottal stop, where someone constricts their throat stopping all air flow. Smaller y syllables or vowels replace vowel of syllable they follow. Except with Shi,Ji,& Chi the y is dropped out of combination. A dash (-) doubles the vowel it follows. Thanks to jink640 and Heaven Piercing Man on the message board for explaining the small tsu used for a glottal stop. See the included nksteamsx68k.png as a reference for team select. The 13 teams are: Nekketsu High School Yuushuuin High School Shichifuku (7 Gods of Fortune Monks) Academy High School Sigma Bikers High School Matagi Hunters Academy Yoshimoto Announcers High School Edobana Firemen High School Ipponzuri Fishing High School Osorezan (Mt. Osore) Psychics High School Yamamoto (Base of the Mtn) Gamblers High School Hori Hori Miners Academy Hattori Ninja Academy Shimanchuu (Okinawan) Islanders High School ***Player/Team Stats: +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | Player | Speed | HP | Shot Steps | G.K Defense | Super Shot | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | Kunio | 6 | 40 | 7 | 50%? | Nuts shot | | Kouji | 0 | 38 | 3 | 40%? | Breaker | | Hiroshi | 0 | 30 | 3 | ? | Bouncer | | Mitsuhiro | 8 | 32 | 7 | 30%? | Stinger | | Shinichi | 4 | 32 | 7 | 30%? | Psycho | | Takashi | -2 | 38 | 3 | 60%? | Flasher | | Susumu | 2 | 50 | 7 | Good | ZigZag | | Atsushi | 8 | 40 | 7 | ? | Pulse | | Masa | 6 | 55 | 7 | ? | Sidewinder | | Genei | 8 | 60 | 3 | Good | Mega Drive | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | Yuushuuin | -2 | 22 | 0 | ? | Square | | Monks | -2 | 24 | 3 | ? | Bubble | | Bikers | 0 | 32 | 3 | 20%? | Wheelie | | Hunters | -1 | 38 | 0 | ? | Unstoppabl | | Announcers | 3 | 34 | 0 | ? | Loud Spikes| | Firemen | 5 | 38 | 0 | 33%? | Coin | | Men of Sea | 2 | 44 | 7 | ? | Fish | | Psychics | 3 | 30 | 0 | ? | Boo | | Gamblers | 2 | 50 | 0 | ? | Accurate | | Miners | 0 | 48 | 7 | ? | Mole | | Hattori | 16 | 54 | 9 | ? | Boomerang | | Islanders | 8 | 60 | 0 | ? | Banana Croc| +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ Slide tackle does 3 damage. Shoulder bash does 8 damage. If players have the same current HP, then either can bash the other, whoever gets the other first. If a player has 1 or 2 less current HP than someone they're trying to bash, they both fall. If a player tries to shoulder bash someone with more than 2 more HP, only they fall and the opponent is completely unphased. Tripping over stones or getting hit by the ball, even super shots, actually does zero damage. Cool and helpful images at or See my patches for various versions: Famicom: Romanji&Partial Trans v0.9 NKS Rebalance patch v0.9 NES: Supa Dupa World Cup - a very extensive overhaul with loads of new players and teams. And my Romanji patch for Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special. since Romanji alone isn't enough of a translation to be on Here's a link to that: Have fun! People may use my work as a base for their own or pieces of it. Just please give some credit. ***Translation notes: Dialog: My best guess at translations: Thought there was another girl involved in dialog named Minna but found out from Sharp X68000 version's voiceovers that Minna just means All or Everyone. Opening Story: KoKoHa NetsuKeTsuKoUKoUNoGuRanDo KuNiOTo ShinIChiGa KiyaCChiHo-RuWoShiTeITa. (Child Rowdy or This Place School/Group) Nekketsu High School's Ground Kunio and Shinichi catch ball themselves wo master stagnation. (Apparently the Dodge Ball scene is stagnating and they're then approached by Misako and Takashi to play Soccer. Tons of dialog follows here and indoors.) Last two bits of dialog in Dodge Ball Club Materials Room MiSaKo[JiyaA YuUShiyoUShitara MinNaNi (4hearts)ShiTeAKe:ChiyaU ONeGaI(heart)!] Misako[Well! Heroic Tongue's All for (hearts)Master Teacher Instruct(heart)!] All[Ya! YaRuZetsu!!!] All [Hi! Get Along zetsu!!!] or [Hi! Yaruzetsu!!!] After 1st match Misako[Yattane! minna kakkoyokattawa! Fuanreta-mo takusan kiteruwayo! Misako[Yattane! All Kakkoyokattawa! fan(admirer) retaamo much training yo! After 5,6,8,9,11th matches Misako[Sugoige-mudattane! Mou Bikibikiyo! Tomodachimo Minnani awaserotte urusaiwa! Misako[Amazing game dattane! Already Bikibikiyo! All also friends combining meticulously! After beating most of first 11 matches: Misako[kiteruwa minna kiteruwa Misako[Training All Training Misako Already GiddinessGa Thought Night! Spend time Trying on clothes Wa(Heart)!] After beating first 10 matches: # = 2 before 2nd match 5 before 3rd 4 before 4th 1 before 5 2 before 6 3 before 7 6 before 8 5 before 9 2 before 10th MiSaKo[TsuGiHa DaI#KiyoUGiJiyoUDe ShiAIYo MinNa KonDoNoShiAIMo GanBaTTeNe!] Misako[Next School Harm # Field Night. ALL this time's match also persevere!] (Don't know where this appears) Misako[minnaga konnani ganbattekurerunantea no Misako[All self such perseverence absorbed in whatever ways Between 2nd & 3rd match Susumu joins. SuSuMu[YaA! ShiyoKuChiyuDoKuGa NaOtsuTaZo! TsuGiNoShiAIKaRa OReMo DeReRuZe!!] Susumu[Hi! Food poisoning healed! Next Match I also participate!] (According to River City Super Sports Challenge All Stars, Genei couldn't play Soccer for a while due to Food Poisoning. In this game that seems to be Susumu's story.) Between 4th & 5th Atsushi joins. ATsuhShi[YaHHo- ATsuShiKunDe-Su. NaOTTaYo-n OIRaMo BaRiBaRiYaRiMaSSe- TsuKaTTeChiyo-] Atsushi[Yahoo Atsushi I am. Still Reliant Like Old Age Also Power Power Spear really expert book by one's business] or Atsushi[Yahoo Atsushi I am. Healed News Four Hey! Also Strength Strength Spear Really expert Selfish bowel] (This is after beating 4th match. Maybe he had stomach problems too?) Between 7th & 8th Masa joins. Masa[OKuRe Chi Matsu TaZe MinNa MeIWaKuKaKeTaNa MiSaKo MoU DaIJiyoUBuTa!MaKaShiToke!] Masa[At ground expect taze All Misako Already compensation buda! Defeat seat...] Between 10th and 11th match, Misako's 2nd dialog is different: MiSaKo[TsuGiHa IYoIYo JiyunKeSShiyoUYo! MinNa ZeTTaI ZeTTaI MaKeNaIDeNe!] Misako[Next school finally semifinal night All absolutely absolutely Defeat .....] Between 11th and final match, Genei joins and Misako's 2nd dialog differs: Genei[Minna Mata se tana! Takashi YokuYatsuTa! AtohaNO1Ki-Pa0No Oreni Makasero!] Genei[All Also Back Shelf! Takashi Well Yatta! Another School Is/ToBe NO1 Entrust I as (Goal)Keeper MiSaKo[SaA KeSShiyoUSenYo! GenEIKunMo FutsuKiShiTaShi KoKoMaDeKiTaRa YuUShiyoUYo!] Misako[Difference Crystal Night! GeneiKun Also make a come back friendly here until Norths Heroic Night! (The Shimanchuu School's Okinawans are Southern Islanders.) After losing a match before being asked to challenge once more: MiSaKo[MaKeChiyaUNanTe WaTaShiNo(4hearts)NanTe DoUDeMoIINoNe!!!] Misako[Defeat Chau What My(hearts) What It does not matter None!!!] Minna[SonNaKoTo ARiMaSe-n!] All[That matter Arimaseen!] or All[That matter and not!] MiSaKo[MoUIChiDo ChiyoUSenSuRu?] HAI IIE Misako[Challenge Once More?] Yes No HAI response: MiSaKo[Kondoha Ganbattene!] Misako[This time group persevere!] IIE response: MiSaKo[Hidooi Minnakirai!] Misako[bad/absurd ALL dislike!] Ge-MuO-Ba-! GAMEOVER! The Ending: Arigatou Promise'sKISSYo! Thanks Promised I'd KISS You! STAFF Programmer (three of them) Character Design (two of them) Background Design Sound Programmer Music Packaging Design Manual Design Game Design Nekketsu 3NinShuu Tomiyama Sekimoto Yoshida CAST (To means And) some of them: Nihei Takahiro And Sanpei Hiroyuki(Yoshimoto) Kaji Keiichirou And Shimizu Kouji(Edobana) Onitake Masayuki To KaNojo(Yamamoto) Onitake Masayuki And Girlfriend(Yamamoto) (except that's Daikoku shown, not Onitake) (And guy named Onitake in Nekketsu Soccer League is Maruneni) Nakatagari Tsunewo And RyuukyuuShisuta-zu (Shimanchuu) (Shitsutaazu is in katakana) Oshimai Ending How I translated the in-game commands/dialog: NKS = NWC = NKS Romaji ShuuTo = SHOOT!! PaSu = PASS TaKKuR = TACKLE (Shoulder Bash with A) SuBeShi = SLIDE!! = SLIDE ..MaTe = WAIT MuRi = I CAN'T = CAN'T OK = O.K. (left NKS version) Changed unknowns to what World Cup gfx has them as: YA = NO DA = ? (follows what) DAME = WHAT DAMEDA = WHAT? SESOTA = CENTER The Su of Subeshi is used for the Su in Pasu resulting in my translation initially saying PASSSL. So I had to make the Su part of SubeShi blank and change just beshi to SLIDE. So SLIDE appears a bit shifted over. There seems to be unused commands: YADA DAME = bad/wrong/uselss/impossible SESOTAA (before MaTe) Editors used: ***Hex editing of player/team values Not modified in this translation patch but here's info if you'd like to modify them. Most teams are awfully slow. ff is -1 speed and fe is -2 speed. Disk 1 of 2 Hex locations in rom and hex values there. Usually for the ten Nekketsu players followed by the 12 other teams. c08e6 Order of teams for tournament mode by hex value (The 12 teams starting with 04 and ending with 0C) YuuMnkBkrHntAnnFirSeaPsyGamMnrNinOki 04 02 03 05 08 07 06 0A 09 01 0B 0C Still shows old team during halftime and match number will be wrong on intro screen since it shows the number match you normally face the team you changed it to. You can actually change another team to 00 play against Nekketsu in this version. It uses the miner's match intro screen for them. B2B9C Order of teams for vs mode by hex value (The 13 teams starting with 00 and ending with 0C) But doesn't change the order of their names listed. So for example if you switched Yuushuuin and Bikers by changing 04 to 03, and 03 to 04, when you pick the kanji for Yuu, you'll see that you picked Bikers on the position set up. So changing these is rather pointless. NekYuuMnkBkrHntAnnFirSeaPsyGamMnrNinOki 00 04 02 03 05 08 07 06 0A 09 01 0B 0C BE814 Hit points KunKouHirMitShiTakSusAtsMasGenMnrMnkBkrYuuHntSeaFirAnnGamPsyNinOki 28 26 1e 20 20 26 32 28 37 3C 30 18 20 16 26 2C 26 22 32 1e 36 3C C00D1 Speed KunKouHirMitShiTakSusAtsMasGenMnrMnkBkrYuuHntSeaFirAnnGamPsyNinOki 06 00 00 08 04 fe 02 08 06 08 00 fe 00 fe ff 02 05 03 02 03 10 08 c0378 Super Shots KunKouHirMitShiTakSusAtsMasGen 80 84 85 82 81 83 86 87 88 89 MnrMnkBkrYuuHntSeaFirAnnGamPsyNinOki 93 8b 8c 8a 8d 90 8f 8e 92 91 94 95 C038E Shot Steps KunKouHirMitShiTakSusAtsMasGenMnrMnkBkrYuuHntSeaFirAnnGamPsyNinOki 07 03 03 07 07 03 07 07 07 03 07 03 03 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 09 00 c08ce music played for twelve matches 11 through 15 But you can just press F4 anywhere in game to change music c15fc Appears to be team pallettes from Famicom version but changing them seemed to have no effect For each team six values: hair eye faceskin outline/ballPolygons uniform mainskin This game is higher color with additional shading compared to NES/FC so while these values are still here, the new larger sets of colors seem to be elsewhere. Also I've noticed that for mirror matches each team has their own secondary color set instead of all teams using the same secondary color uniform. I would guess the functional colors settings are somewhere between c15fc and c1d29 But haven't found which have any effect if changed. Thanks to Dacicus for finding super shot values, music settings, and team pallettes in Nintendo World Cup, listed in his WC hacking guide. Also see soccerhack.txt included with my Supa Dupa World Cup hack ***Rom Graphical editing notes: In Almost always have Format set to 4BPP MSX Have pattern set to: default or FC/NESx16 or in one area of stuff: custom 9x9 Horizontal Disk 1 or a .dim 002d00 faces (default pattern) followed by in-game commands/responses DONE These soccer fields show up but probably not in a very editable way with format 8BPP SNES and pattern FC/NESx16) 00a00 05f00 06800 Everywhere gfx seem to show up right in format 4BPP MSX numbers ( FC/NESx16) 019a00 Ground wo selection shite please followed by some of halftime character gfx DONE 02bd00 main writing (default pattern) for dialog only in this version Nekketsu faces including drooling Latin Alphabet DONE 02f900 Technos SPS followed by 031800 Kanji (9x9 horizontal) Team names for Score screen 00 = transparent 01 = *** dark green 02 = *** dark blue 03 = green or trans 04 = green or trans 05 = green or trans 06 bla= green or trans 07 = **gray 08 = light gray 09 bla= dark gray 0a = trans 0b = trans 0c = *** skin tan shade 0d = black border of kanji 0e = *skin tan 0f = white (green) kanji 10 = trans 11 = same dark green 12 = same dark blue border 07 gray 08 light gray Nekketsu 02 dark blue Yuushuuin 02 dark blue Monks 01 dark green Bikers 0c skin shade Hunters 0c skin shade Announcers 02 dark blue Firemen 02 dark blue Fishermen 02 dark blue Psychics 02 dark blue Gamblers 0c skin shade Miners 01 dark green Ninja 02 dark blue Islanders 01 dark green DONE 043400 Technos Sharp (default) 4ec00 volley ball (FC/NES16) 056c00 large writing (FC/NESx16) names followed by team kanji for position set up 00 trans background 01 dark green 02 light green 03 white 04 trans 05 **gray 06 red 07 aqua 08 trans 09 pink 0a brown 0b red 0c trans 0d bright aqua 0e teal 0f dark blue Kata: Po Ji Shi yo n Pojishon Position DONE 062800 Game Plan screen Only top heading area can be multi color. Most of screen is black&blue or selected black&white. 00 trans 01 dark green 02 green 03 skin 04 dark gray/faded black 05 white/blue (only one not trans for below area) 06 dark red 07 aqua 08 dark gray/faded black 09 skin 0a brown 0b red 0c dark gray/faded black 0d bright light blue 0e teal 0f blue DONE 08e600 title screen txt gfx DONE 0c3400 WBUGF and half time character gfx 0eac00 Misako pissed (FC/NES16) 0eda00 ending chararacter gfx 0fac00 some character gfx (default pattern) 0fc400 more large writing (FC/NESx16) Ro--doSebu Load Save LOAD SAVE Shimasuka?HaiE Deta012345 Data 6789 YoroDeta- | Yameru Exit Load Shimashita DONE 0fe400 small English/latin (default pattern) 101c00 in game character gfx (FC/NESx6) 105c00 ball/super shot gfx (FC/NESx16) 107400 back of heads 109400 faces Can't find any trace of full size team Kanji for Team Select ---------------------- Disk 2 or b .dim probably just all sound data or compressed stuff Maybe see hiragana Yo around 079C00 maybes 9DE00 !BPP 16x16 ------------------------