Die Bahnwelt Non-Directional Translations 2/1/2014 About this patch ---------------- This patch translates the emulation copy of Die Bahnwelt to English. Emulation copy? --------------- The emulation version has changes/enhancements that the retail version doesn't have. Such as better AI for your companion, more save slots, and enchanced music. The only downside from the retail copy is that the facial animation have been disabled. It is my opinion that it looks better this way. You can find youtube video showcasing this if you wish. Where do I get a copy? ---------------------- I'll be hosting a copy on my website, but you can get the original from the URL below. http://www5f.biglobe.ne.jp/~hkuwata/bw/bwmain.html How do I patch? --------------- Get a xdelta patcher. I recommend xdelta UI http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/598/ How do I play this? ------------------- First, you need an emulator for this. http://www.geocities.jp/kugimoto0715/ Second,you will need the "roms" the emulator requires. http://www.jcec.co.uk/X68emu.htm Down at the bottom, you will see a section that says "Roms". Click on the link (there's only one). Download and extract to the same folder as the emulator. Patch the disks with the corresponding patches. In XM6, you'll need to define the XF1 key. I usually use the Grave/Tilde button. I recommend watching the opening first, BW_OPEN in slot 0. Then BW_SYS in slot 0 with BW_DATA in slot 1 for the actual game. If you dig the music, put BW_END into slot 0 for a music mode. Patch the disks with the corresponding patches. After cutscenes, you'll need to "Talk" to your partner to revert the menus and dialogues back. Also, if XM6 breaks on start up, you need to enable MIDI. ID 1, Level 4, whatever you like. Also, I left a debug mode in there. I figure some of you guys will need it. Thanks ------ Kylon Espr Toyoch AgentBaron Aerlinah Tashi The Ryusui Taly neko And anyone I may have forgotten. You deserve no less than my utmost graditude. Contact ------- radicalr@gmail.com - contact for bug reports, typos, and/or praise.