==================================================================================================== GameStone's Otomedius G (Gorgeous!) Xbox 360 English Translation - Changelog OOO TTTTT OOO MM MM EEEE DDDD IIIII U U SSSSS GGG O O T O O MM MM EE D D I U U SS G O O T O O M M M EEEE D D I U U SS G GG O O T O O M M EE D D I U U SS G G OOO T OOO MM MM EEEE DDDD IIIII UUU SSSSS GGG Otomedius G Gorgeous! - Xbox 360 (c) Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. - 2007-2008 オトメディウスG(ゴージャス!) - エックスボックス360 - (c) 株式会社コナミデジタルエンタテインメント Don't forget Otomedius G (Gorgeous!) is still available; support the original creator Konami, complete game available on Xbox 360. https://marketplace.xbox.com/ja-JP/Product/%E3%82%AA%E3%83%88%E3%83%A1%E3%83%87%E3%82%A3%E3%82%A6%E3%82%B9G/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d8024b4e07ee V1.8 - 4th June 2022 ==================================================================================================== -Disclaimer----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This translation is fan made and is in no way connected to Konami. ***IMPORTANT NOTE*** These files are for the Japanese Otomedius G (Gorgeous!) オトメディウスG(ゴージャス!) - 20-11-2008. Always Backup your original files before you start messing around and replacing things. See the changelog at the bottom for all the update details. =Information======================================================================================== The quest to translate the Xbox 360 games Otomedius and Otomedius Gorgeous! into English, all the GUI, text and menus. This started out as a way to patch an English translation into the arcade release of the game Otomedius, the Xbox 360 version uses a very similar file layout so translation development has moved onto that version of the game. Currently all the game menu SWF files (Shockwave Flash) have been edited, all weapons, character select, ranking, replay, shop, weapon select and end of stage total screens is in English. All the DLC has been translated too. Some of the text is not stored as images and would require hacking the otomedius.xex file, this is beyond my ability at this time. -Currently not translated--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intro and Ending movies for each character are WMV movie files, they could be re-encoded with baked in subtitles, something to look into in the future, they are 23 large files at over 2GB total. The speech will not be translated as I don't have a team of voice actors, this also means the voices used in the game will not be subtitled either. =Game Files========================================================================================= These files are for the Japanese DVD version of the game (20-11-2008 - VK016-J1), they will also work with the Platinum edition (as the discs are identical), however you will have to rip the DVD yourself. 4B4E07EE is the Xbox internal ID used by the game Otomedius G (Gorgeous!). You can also get the files from your installed DVD version on your Xbox 360 hard drive. DVD install directory listed below:- Partition 3/Content/0000000000000000/4B4E07EE/00004000/ This patch will not work with the Games On Demand Live download release as these three files are different from the disc installed and DVD version, so the game doesn't load in Xenia for an unknown reason (failed checksum maybe?). Games On Demand directory listed below:- Partition 3/Content/0000000000000000/4B4E07EE/00007000/ These three files are different from the disc installed and DVD version and so the game doesn't load in Xenia for an unknown reason (failed checksum maybe?). default.xex fight5.xwb gallery_0001.pak Stick with the DVD rip or the installed DVD version. =How to play the game=============================================================================== Developed, fully tested and working on Windows 10 x64 (64bit system) using Xenia. 1. Create a directory called 'content' in that directory create '4B4E07EE', in that directory create another called 'DVD':- xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/ 2. Copy all the files on the DVD into the 4B4E07EE/DVD directory. 3. To play with the translated files, simply overwrite the files in the DVD media Data directory. xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/CardEntry.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/CardFrame.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/CardWeapon.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/catch_demo00.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/catch_demo01.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/catch_demo02.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/catch_demog_0000.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/catch_demog_0001.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/CharSelect.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/dialog.swf xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/Entrance.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/menu.swf xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/MenuCmn.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/NameEntry.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/Once.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/Ranking.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/ranking.swf xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/RankResult.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/RankResultG.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/RecBrowse.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/replay.swf xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/shop.swf xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/Stage10.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/StageSelect.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/Title.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/VSWarp.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/WeaponPresent.pak xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/WeaponSelect.pak 4. Start xenia.exe, in the interface click 'File' and 'Open', browse to the directory and run the default.xex file. xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/default.xex 5. The game will start, make sure you have an Xbox control pad plugged in to control the game. 6. Have fun! I've tested the game on my Windows 10 x64 (64bit system), Ryzen CPU with nVidia GPU. If you run the above you get the game as it was released on disc, now games have updates that might patch bugs or add new features, Otomedius G had one Title Update 'Otomedius G Title Update #1'. -Title Update #1 Patching--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rather than using Title Update #1, you can patch the Title Update #1 patch into the game so it's no longer required. NOTE: If you're going to run with Title Update #1 installed, you also need the Catalog Extra Characters DLC or the game will not work. To get the files for Title Update #1 and the DLC Catalog Extra Characters, they are automatically downloaded when you run the game (from Xbox Live) for the first time. See Source File Help.txt for where the files are stored on your Xbox 360 hard drive after you have downloaded them from Xbox Live. Files Required from your Xbox hard drive:- 8C0B7FFCFD1033B9CC492EDF8C386C5B691948574B - Catalog Extra Characters TU_15KS1VE_0000004000000.0000000000081 - Title Update #1 - DVD release You will also need Velocity-XEXISO and XexTool programs. 1. Extract the Title Upate #1 update file 'default.xexp' with Velocity-XEXISO and put it in the Xextool directory. TU_15KS1VE_0000004000000.0000000000081 - Title Update #1 - DVD release xextool/default.xexp 2. Copy the 'default.xex' from the DVD to the same directory as XexTool and rename the file to 'default_orig.xex', so you will now have the two files needed to patch together. xextool/default.xexp xextool/default_orig.xex 3. Open a command prompt to use XexTool and run the command below to patch the two files together, this will create a new 'default.xex' file with Title Update #1 built in. xextool -u -p default.xexp -o default.xex default_orig.xex Here's the SHA256 for the three files (two originals and the newly created file). Name Size SHA256 default.xex 9,875,456 95abe0d1dbc9555376845c9c4d3599afc33f9c12a29e15ee26de04787594dc4c default.xexp 968,704 5fbd34ffcb5acc27b79774f9c1a3d2562d8f0e432ca88dd3906abf51ba34be9d default_orig.xex 9,613,312 49b4d2af7d0c3cb0f5a24c53c0e31037728d257dcddb3714b2498984e364227b 4. Copy the newly created 'default.xex' to the DVD directory overwriting the original 'default.xex' file. xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/default.xex 5. Copy and replace the two swf files from the Translated Title Update #1 media Data directory to the DVD media Data directory in Xenia. 4B4E07EE/000B0000/Title Update #1/media/Data/dialog.swf 4B4E07EE/000B0000/Title Update #1/media/Data/menu.swf xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/dialog.swf xenia/content/4B4E07EE/DVD/media/Data/menu.swf 6. You can now remove the Title Update #1 file from Xenia as it's no longer required. xenia/content/4B4E07EE/000B0000/TU_15KS1VE_0000004000000.0000000000081 7. Start Velocity and open the DLC Catalog Extra Characters file to patch:- 8C0B7FFCFD1033B9CC492EDF8C386C5B691948574B - Catalog Extra Characters Catalog Extra Characters xenia/content/4B4E07EE/00000002/8C0B7FFCFD1033B9CC492EDF8C386C5B691948574B 8. In Velocity go to the file you want to replace in the file tree, right click and select 'Replace File', select the replacement file for each file one at a time. 4B4E07EE/00000002/Catalog Extra Characters/CharSelect.pak 4B4E07EE/00000002/Catalog Extra Characters/MenuCmn.pak 4B4E07EE/00000002/Catalog Extra Characters/RecBrowse.pak 9. You may have to click the Rehash button in Velocity after you have patched in the files if the file crashes the game in Xenia. 10. Run the game as normal. -DLC Patching--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: You will need the actual DLC yourself to patch, I will not be ditributing the DLC as they are still available to purchase on Xbox marketplace, see Source File Help.txt for where the files are stored on your Xbox 360 hard drive after you have purchased them. The Esmeralda and Poini & Easter Island DLC are only needed if you want to play those characters or the extra stage. NOTE: 'St. Gradius School Uniform Aoba Anoa' was a bonus when the game was bought at retail and not available on Xbox Live. To patch the DLC files, follow this detailed guide:- 1. Start Velocity and open the DLC file you want to patch:- C9E18A012735D40DA62372B3F5E55A6842F4A0D74B - Esmeralda and Poini 8A6429AD98555711B19F61A216D608A3181DFC794B - Easter Island 17EEB204E28AB4383A2940274FEC5C464BA3FC694B - St. Gradius School Uniform Aoba Anoa 2. In Velocity go to the file you want to replace in the tree, right click, select Replace File & select the replacement file for each file one at a time. Esmeralda and Poini content/4B4E07EE/00000002/C9E18A012735D40DA62372B3F5E55A6842F4A0D74B 4B4E07EE/00000002/Esmeralda and Poini/CardWeapon.pak 4B4E07EE/00000002/Esmeralda and Poini/CharSelect.pak 4B4E07EE/00000002/Esmeralda and Poini/MenuCmn.pak 4B4E07EE/00000002/Esmeralda and Poini/ranking.swf 4B4E07EE/00000002/Esmeralda and Poini/shop.swf Easter Island content/4B4E07EE/00000002/8A6429AD98555711B19F61A216D608A3181DFC794B 4B4E07EE/00000002/Easter Island/ranking.swf 4B4E07EE/00000002/Easter Island/RecBrowse.pak 4B4E07EE/00000002/Easter Island/StageSelect.pak St. Gradius School Uniform Aoba Anoa content/4B4E07EE/00000002/17EEB204E28AB4383A2940274FEC5C464BA3FC694B 4B4E07EE/00000002/St. Gradius School Uniform Aoba Anoa/CharSelect.pak 3. You may have to click the Rehash button in Velocity after you have patched in the files if the file crashes the game in Xenia. 4. Run the game as normal. -Title Update #1 Alternative patching--------------------------------------------------------------- Here's an alternative method to patch Title Update #1, you can also use Velocity-XEXISO to patch Title Update #1 rather than XexTool to patch the default.xex. NOTE: If you're going to run with Title Update #1 installed, you also need the Catalog Extra Characters DLC or the game will not work. To get the files for Title Update #1 and the DLC Catalog Extra Characters, they are automatically downloaded when you run the game (from Xbox Live) for the first time. See Source File Help.txt for where the files are stored on your Xbox 360 hard drive after you have downloaded them. Files Required from your Xbox hard drive:- 8C0B7FFCFD1033B9CC492EDF8C386C5B691948574B - Catalog Extra Characters TU_15KS1VE_0000004000000.0000000000081 - Title Update #1 - DVD release TU_15KS1VE_0000008000000.0000000000082 - Title Update #1 - Games On Demand 1. Start Velocity and open the DLC file you want to patch:- TU_15KS1VE_0000004000000.0000000000081 - Title Update #1 - DVD release TU_15KS1VE_0000008000000.0000000000082 - Title Update #1 - Games On Demand 2. In Velocity go to the file you want to replace in the tree, right click, select Replace File & select the replacement file for each file one at a time. DVD release Title Update #1 xenia/content/4B4E07EE/000B0000/TU_15KS1VE_0000004000000.0000000000081 4B4E07EE/000B0000/Title Update #1/media/Data/dialog.swf 4B4E07EE/000B0000/Title Update #1/media/Data/menu.swf Games On Demand Title Update #1 xenia/content/4B4E07EE/000B0000/TU_15KS1VE_0000008000000.0000000000082 4B4E07EE/000B0000/Title Update #1/media/Data/dialog.swf 4B4E07EE/000B0000/Title Update #1/media/Data/menu.swf 3. Start Velocity and open the DLC Catalog Extra Characters file to patch:- 8C0B7FFCFD1033B9CC492EDF8C386C5B691948574B - Catalog Extra Characters Catalog Extra Characters xenia/content/4B4E07EE/00000002/8C0B7FFCFD1033B9CC492EDF8C386C5B691948574B 4. In Velocity go to the file you want to replace in the tree, right click, select Replace File & select the replacement file for each file one at a time. 4B4E07EE/00000002/Catalog Extra Characters/CharSelect.pak 4B4E07EE/00000002/Catalog Extra Characters/MenuCmn.pak 4B4E07EE/00000002/Catalog Extra Characters/RecBrowse.pak 5. You may have to click the Rehash button in Velocity after you have patched in the files if the file crashes the game in Xenia. 6. Run the game as normal. -DLC Additional BGM--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have bought the additional BGM (Game Ground Music) on Xbox Live, then you can use them in Xenia too. NOTE: These require Title Update #1 to be installed or they do not work. Files Required from your Xbox hard drive for the Additional BGM:- 89B62745F6D7D43F947CC8F35899B1F6F540D8564B - Additional BGM Vol.7 Esmeralda & Coon Poini Pack 520F48E55F13F97CE378BAC1B7FC3FDC987D3F4F4B - Additional BGM Vol.1 Aoba Anoa Pack 970C4E11DE25B95FB4EF524BD769B1E7B790C8A24B - Additional BGM Vol.2 Erul Tron Pack A949B78B51DA0604CFAFA2B1406D048DC64A9F084B - Additional BGM Vol.4 Madoka Pack AB798841C15E724E3040BD0DDC35A4A50C3B7F134B - Additional BGM Vol.3 Emon 5 Pack D7D0BA95DF057960B672D5CF0174BE461DF57D7F4B - Additional BGM Vol.6 Tita Nium Pack E61385671F3F520EA37F50798EBC0F4C0E4EE52D4B - Additional BGM Vol.5 Diol Twee Pack Copy the files to the Xenia DLC directory. xenia/content/4B4E07EE/00000002/89B62745F6D7D43F947CC8F35899B1F6F540D8564B xenia/content/4B4E07EE/00000002/520F48E55F13F97CE378BAC1B7FC3FDC987D3F4F4B xenia/content/4B4E07EE/00000002/970C4E11DE25B95FB4EF524BD769B1E7B790C8A24B xenia/content/4B4E07EE/00000002/A949B78B51DA0604CFAFA2B1406D048DC64A9F084B xenia/content/4B4E07EE/00000002/AB798841C15E724E3040BD0DDC35A4A50C3B7F134B xenia/content/4B4E07EE/00000002/D7D0BA95DF057960B672D5CF0174BE461DF57D7F4B xenia/content/4B4E07EE/00000002/E61385671F3F520EA37F50798EBC0F4C0E4EE52D4B -System and Player Controls------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just use a standard Xbox 360 control pad. =Error List========================================================================================= None =Changelog========================================================================================== -v1.8 - 4th June 2022------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added an alternative method of patching Title Update #1 into the game DVD files. Updated the guides with even more granular steps and it's quite involved. -v1.7 - 29th May 2022------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Games have updates that might patch bugs or add new features, Otomedius G had one Title Update 'Otomedius G Title Update #1' Title Update #1 only patched two of the menu files (dialog.swf and menu.swf). dialog.swf - not much changed, just some more error messages. menu.swf - modified the way the Ranking page looks, added the Course Select menu (Normal Course or Easter Island Course) and added the three new characters (St Gradius Anoa, Esme and Poini). Xenia doesn't load the DLC correctly but there is a branch version called 'xenia_stfs-writer' that does load the Title Updates and DLC correctly. TU_15KS1VE_0000008000000.0000000000081 - Title Update for the Disc or Installed version. TU_15KS1VE_0000008000000.0000000000082 - Title Update for Games On Demand (Live download version). Both Title Update files are identical, just different file names. カタログ・追加キャラクター 8C0B7FFCFD1033B9CC492EDF8C386C5B691948574B - Catalog - additional characters When the new characters Esme, Poini and the stage Easter Island were added to the game, there's a free update for players who have not got the DLC, so they can play with other players that have (for characters). This pack also includes all the St. Gradius Uniform textures (apart from Anoa). The three main GUI based files that are updated with this Catalog Extra Characters pack are:- CharSelect - Added Esme and Poini images. MenuCmn - Extra weapons from Esme and Poini (Pulse/Round Laser, Auto Aiming, SN/R Option). RecBrowse - Easter Island stage badge. It turns out the file CharSelect is optimised for smaller file size. For example, powerup_select.dds is now 2MB when it to be 8MB. Now I was having crash issues with the CharSelect file, I tracked it down to the DDS file format. DDS files with transparent pixels have so far always used 'DXT5 ARGB 8 bpp interpolated alpha', this now crashes the game when loading the character select screen, even though the original files are DXT5 files, the edited files crash the game as DXT5, if I save them as a different format, the game works fine with 'DXT3 ARGB 8 bpp explicit alpha'. 追加キャラクター・ポイニー & 追加キャラクター・エスメラルダ C9E18A012735D40DA62372B3F5E55A6842F4A0D74B - Esmeralda and Poini Both Characters are in the same DLC pack, only these two files are different in the Esmeralda and Poini DLC as they add some new weapons and they also get added to the Shop screen. ranking.swf - Ranking menu screen shop.swf - Shop menu screen 追加ステージ・イースター島 8A6429AD98555711B19F61A216D608A3181DFC794B - Easter Island These files were changed for the extra stage information used in the ranking and record browse sections of the game, StageSelect added Easter Island badge. ranking.swf RecBrowse.pak StageSelect.pak St. Gradius School Uniform Aoba Anoa 17EEB204E28AB4383A2940274FEC5C464BA3FC694B - St. Gradius School Uniform Aoba Anoa CharSelect.pak - Anoa St. Gradius textures. This was a bonus scratch card DLC code you got when you bought the game on first release. -v1.6 - 20th May 2022------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Managed to work out how the SWF files that are used for the menu dialogs, all have been translated to English. dialog.swf - Dialog and error messages menu.swf - Main game menus ranking.swf - Ranking menu screen replay.swf - Replay menu screen shop.swf - Shop menu screen -v1.5 - 8th May 2022-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The arcade release doesn't work on Windows 10 because of the way the game exe is patched, I tried running the game in a VM but had no luck making development impossible to continue, if you can't test it you can't develop it. So, what now? Well.... After examining the Xbox DVD rip for Otomedius G (Gorgeous!), the file layout and file names are very similar to the arcade release, all the way down to using DDS files for the graphic textures, thanks to the xenia emulator I can patch the game files and test in Windows making development much easier, so I've moved all development into translating the game onto the Xbox 360 game. All the textures I made for the arcade release have been implemented, some added Xbox related icons and wording have been added to some textures, things like the arcade release references touching the screen (arcade version had a touch screen) while the Xbox changed some of the button text to pushing buttons. -v1.1 - 26th January 2020--------------------------------------------------------------------------- No new game stuff added, however I decided to add my scripts and batch files I used to create this translated game files. Lot of information on how the game files are edited and patched plus a list of the programs I used to edited the images and patch the game. -v1.0 - 12th May 2016------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally inspired to start this project again. This time with the newer release of the game - GGG-J-A-A-2008041801 (18th April 2008). Most of my first release graphics have been ported to the later release newer files, some have been updated as looking at them now, some where not quite up to scratch and I was not too happy with some of them, over the years I've learnt new graphics technique and got a little better at the translations. -v0.5 - 12th September 2010------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last version to support GGG-J-A-A-2007092100 (21st September 2007) More custom graphics in the same style as the original images. Mission Complete, Results Notification and Play Again. Also changed the character names and menus in Records section. -v0.4 - 11th September 2010------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quite a big change. Changed all the weapon text, all the character text and some of the user interface text. I've created some scripts to automate the building of the binary files so after the translations and artwork is complete, making the archive files is a lot quicker. -v0.02 - 29th August 2010--------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few text boxes have been changed here and there; the demo screens have some translation done. -v0.01 - 21st August 2010--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only the title image has been changed so far, it's quite intensive to edit and recode the images files. =Credits============================================================================================ English Otomedius and Otomedius G Logo's by GameStone Translations and translation graphics by GameStone Extra translations by deadmario and Sasamisa1806 Gradius Home World www.gradiushomeworld.co.uk ====================================================================================================